2012 Specialty Results
Thank you to the committee and members of the Bullmastiff Club of Queensland for the invitation to judge my breed at your specialty show. I thoroughly enjoyed the day, with perfect weather. Thank you to the exhibitors for their entry and congratulations to them on their sportsmanship and the presentation of the exhibits. Thank you to my lovely steward who made the ring run very smoothly.
I found some very nice dogs in my entry. Size & substance with good depth of rib was evident throughout the entry. There were a few long backs and also a few dogs that didn’t have the substance in their hindquarters to match their fronts. Temperaments were excellent, as were straight front legs. It was wonderful to see nearly the entire entry having dark eyes. Mouths were generally good, though the really broad mouths were in the minority. I did see a wry mouth. We need to be very mindful of the nostrils being widely spreading. This affects the dogs breathing and in this day & age many more people are watching basic health issues such as this with a number of breeds, especially the Brachycephalic breeds. I found quite narrow nostrils in only a few exhibits. A number of dogs were also quite flewy; the flews should not hang below the lower jaw.
Whilst all exhibits were quite willing to move and the majority did so with good reach and drive there were a few exhibits that lost their topline on the move, with their front end going down & their rump going up. This is a real concern in my opinion, as this problem is increasing in the breed and is totally wrong. The standard with regard to movement also refers to the topline “A firm backline unimpaired by powerful thrust from hindlegs denoting a balanced and harmonious movement.”
Many exhibits had a steep croup with the accompanied lowset tail. This is a problem that I have seen across the country and in increasing numbers. I feel it is an area that is very commonly overlooked and something that breeders need to keep in mind when trying to improve the next generation.
Overall I found the bitches had more depth of quality than the males. In my opinion this is where you need to have strength.
My awards and subsequent comments are based on my observations on one day. Obviously interpretation of the standard is sometimes subjective, but each and every exhibit was given detailed consideration and evaluated according to my interpretation of the standard. Congratulations to the winners today.
Cheryl Wright



Baby Puppy Dog
1st Bullaky Bet Hes Good – M & K Sweeney
(Ch Saturnbrook Dinah Might/Wimebul Bella)
Fawn baby of almost 4mths. Well boned, of good size & substance for age, good length of body and depth of chest with good spring of rib. Lovely dark eyes, black mask, skull of good shape, muzzle is long & tapering lacking strength, sloping stop. He is a little higher in the rear and a little down in pasterns. Tailset OK, and tail of good length. Balanced angulation front & rear. Happy puppy on the move though a little erratic. Topline roaches on the move.
Minor Puppy Dog
1st Opalguard Sampson – E Phillips
(Ch Opalguard Robbie/Ch Brinkybull Dancing Lady)
Promising fawn male of 7½ months displaying good size & substance for age, sufficient bone, good body proportions, feet a little splayed and a little east west with front legs. Already a little higher in the rear. Well boned. Good shape to skull, muzzle long, reasonable breadth and moderate stop, lovely dark eyes, black mask. Another happy puppy that is a little hard to assess on the move as he did pace quite a bit. He is close both coming and going. Topline roaches slightly on the move. Good length tail that is set just a little low.
Junior Dog
1st Costog Mompesson Home Bru – R Oma CC & Best In Show
(Ch Gameguard Bruelle/Ch Costog Mompesson Miss)
Excellent quality fawn dog of almost 18mths. Well balanced front & rear angulation, good topline & underline, good length of neck. The chest is broad & deep, short back with good spring of rib, tailset just a little low. Lovely shape to skull with just enough wrinkle when interested, black muzzle that is short & broad with a pronounced stop, clean and tight flews, strong broad underjaw. Dark eye. Lovely balanced mover, good coming & going, retaining his topline on the move.
2nd Ch Anmenta Mana Toa – A & M Smith
(NZ Ch Boomers Boy of Waterlea/Ch Anmenta Grand Seduction)
Excellent quality fawn brindle dog of just 12mths, good body proportions, short back, good length of neck. Topline is good, would like brisket to go a little further back. Good shape to skull & muzzle, dark eye, good nostrils, black mask & dark ears. Moves well with good reach & drive, maintain a good topline when moving. Tailset low.
3rd Bullofglory Copper Loadofthis – J Johnston
(Ch Nightquest Rorys Jester/Ch Bulavista Tennessee Lass)
Good quality large fawn male of just 12mths, good size & substance, well boned, a little longer in body with upper arm that is a little short, good spring of rib & depth of rib. A little soft in topline. Dark mask & dark eye, good shape to skull, muzzle just a little long, good stop, would like a little more width to muzzle, ears a little large. Moves with reach & drive, topline rises a little on the move. Tail a little short in length & just slightly lowset.
4th Anmenta Ariki Warrior – A Elisaia
(NZ Ch Boomers Boy of Waterlea/Ch Anmenta Grand Seduction)
Intermediate Dog
1st Valgerd Storm Chaser – K Sands Res CC & Inter In Show
(Ch Sweetbryar Honey I’m Home/Ch Valgerd Power N Glory)
Excellent quality red dog of just 2 years of age. Good body proportions, both in height to length of leg & in body. Good length of neck, good spring of rib, good depth of rib, balanced angulation front & rear. Lovely headpiece, excellent skull & muzzle, black mask, dark eye, pronounced stop, nice tight clean flews. Good angulation front & rear. Moves with good reach & drive. Tailset just a little low.
2nd Ch Grizzmuffley Live for Love – C & H Thomas & B & S Wehmeier
(Ch Grizzmuffley Get Wild/Ch Bruin Grizzy Bear)
Excellent quality red male of just over 2 years of age. Good size & substance to him, well boned, with good topline & underline, neck a little short, as is upper arm, excellent spring of rib & depth of rib. Good shape to skull & muzzle, dark eyes, just a little more wrinkle to his skull than the class winner, broad underjaw. Moved well with good reach & drive, good topline on the move, a little steep in coup.
3rd Ch Grizzmuffley Emancipation – J Hamilton, P Holbrook & B & S Wehmeier
(Ch Grizzmuffley Get Wild/Ch Bruin Grizzy Bear)
Very good quality 2yr old fawn dog, well boned with good size & substance, a little longer in body. A little short in upper arm. Good spring of rib & depth of chest, good length of neck. Skull is square, would prefer a little more fill under eye, dark eye, stop not as prominent as those ahead of him. Topline is just a little soft. Moves out well with good reach & drive, body is just a little loose on the move, topline improves on the move. Tailset low but of good length.
4th Willowbend Encore N Glory (Imp NZ) – V Owen
Akylah Applaud For Willowbend/Ch Avetra Persephone)
Australian Bred Dog
1st Ch Bullarmour Big Cruzer – T & K Kelly
(Ch Saturnbrook Eachway Bet/Ch Bullarmour Kat Ballou)
Excellent quality fawn 5yr old male. Lovely size & substance, well boned & good proportions, short back, neck a little short. Balanced angulation front & rear, good topline & underline, good spring of rib, chest is broad & deep. Skull of good shape, muzzle just a little wedge shape with a moderate stop, dark eye, small ears, nostrils a little pinched. He moves out well with good reach & drive.
2nd Ch Dabullsha Boston Maverick – D Ogilvie
(Ch Blackslate’s Boston Blend (Imp USA)/Ch Justeel India)
Excellent quality fawn male of 6yrs of age, well boned, good topline & underline, good length of neck, balanced angulation, a little long in body. Good spring of rib, chest is broad & deep. Skull is broad & square, muzzle a little long, dark eye. His body is a little loose on the move but he moves out well with good reach & drive. Tailset just a little low.
3rd Bullalryll Auvolan – C Jenkins
(Gameguard Zoolander/Bullalryll April Fool)
Very good quality 6yr old dog, a little two toned. Well boned with a short back, good length of leg to depth of body. Good topline & underline. Good front angulation, lacks a little behind for balance, neck a little short. Skull shape is square but muzzle lacks a little breadth, nostrils are quite pinched, stop a little moderate. Moves with a balanced gait. Low tailset.
4th Bullahart Blaze of Glory – S Hart
(Ch Brinkybull Buffalo Bill/Ch Powerbulmas Olivea)
Open Dog
1st Ch Saturnbrook Dinah Might –S Hodgetts
(Ch Gameguard Tomahawk/Ch Saturnbrook Creme Craka)
Excellent quality fawn male of 6yrs of age, well boned, good topline & underline, just a little longer in body. Good broad chest that is wide & deep with good angulation. Neck a little short. Skull is square, muzzle lacks a little in depth, dark eye, small ear, broad nostrils. Moves out well with good reach & drive, good topline on the move. Tailset just a little low
2nd Ch Bullalryll William Tell – C Jenkins
(Bullalryll Ollisius/Bullalryll April Fool)
5yr old excellent quality red male, good topline & underline, good spring of rib, good depth of chest, a little in at elbow. Tailset a little low. Good shape to skull & muzzle, dark eye. He is a little closer in front & behind moving but moves out well with a balanced gait & retains his topline moving.
Baby Puppy Bitch
1st Bullarmour Voodoo Majic – T & K Kelly Baby Puppy In Show
(Ch Treebrook Ilex/Ch Anmenta Grand Indulgence)
1st and 2nd could have easily swapped placings & I am sure they will over their show careers.
Very promising clear fawn with a black mask, good boning, good body proportions, lovely shape to the skull & muzzle, beautiful dark eyes, pronounced stop. Just a little shorter in hock than the 2nd place girl. She is a little steep in croup. Moved around well.
2nd Bullarmour Cajun Lady – T & K Kelly
(Ch Treebrook Ilex/Ch Anmenta Grand Indulgence)
Very promising red bitch, so similar to the 1st in many ways. Good body depth & length of leg, good boning, good topline. Lovely headpiece with a beautiful dark eye. A little steep in croup. Moved around well.
3rd Diamondbrook Christmasurprise - A Elisaia
(Gr Ch Anmenta Blonde Ambition/Guardville Magic Dream)
Promising fawn bitch, good boning, good size & substance, a little high in rump, good length of neck. Good shape to skull, muzzle lacking a little in breadth, lovely black mask with dark eyes, moderate stop. She moves out well enough for a baby puppy.
4th Nightquest Hot Spell – C Byron
(Ch Nightquest Tobin Bronze/Ch Nightquest Scarlet)
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st Gameguard The Closer - B Dalby Minor Puppy in Show
(Ch Gameguard The Governor/Ch Costog Hidcotes Treasure)
Very promising 7month old fawn bitch with an excellent body. Good front. Lovely balanced angulation front & rear, good chest. Good boning, lovely straight front. Good shape to skull & muzzle, beautiful black mask & dark eyes, good broad nostrils. She moves out well with excellent reach & drive Tail to the hock. A very well put together minor puppy.
2nd Tiararebel Sterling Opal – V Owen
(Ch Tiararebel Tuff Torque/Ch Tiararebel Opal Allure)
Very promising fawn bitch of 7mths, again another well put together youngster displaying good body proportions, good length of neck. Lovely headpiece with good shape to skull & muzzle, lovely dark eye. Croup a little steep. She moves well.
3rd Tiararebel Duchess Of Torque – D & R Armstrong
(Ch Tiararebel Tuff Torque/Ch Tiararebel Opal Allure)
Very promising red bitch, litter sister to 2nd with a lot of quality about her too. Reasonable depth of rib, with good spring of rib, good length of leg to her, a little longer in loin than 2nd. She is a little lean today. Another lovely skull, muzzle lacking a little in depth, dark eye. She moves out well. Tailset just a little low
Junior Bitch
1st Bullofglory Perfect Platinum – C Somerville & W Geatches
(Ch Nightquest Rorys Jester/Ch Bulavista Tennessee Lass)
Excellent quality red bitch of just 13 months, good size and substance, well boned, just a little long in body, good spring of rib & depth of rib, good length of neck. Skull and muzzle are of good shape, pronounced stop, large ears. She moves out well displaying a good reach and drive, loses her topline just a little on the move.
2nd Ch Anmenta Silver Fern – A & M Smith
(NZ Ch Boomers Boy of Waterlea/Ch Anmenta Grand Seduction)
Excellent quality smaller fawn bitch that is put together well, good spring of rib & depth of rib, straight front legs & reasonable breadth of chest, topline & underline are both good. Neck just a little short. Good shape to her skull & muzzle, a little too much chin. A little steep in croup. She moves out well retaining her topline on the move.
3rd Bullofglory Golden Moment – C Somerville & W Geatches
(Ch Nightquest Rorys Jester/Ch Bulavista Tennessee Lass)
Good quality large fawn bitch, well boned, long in body and a little higher in rear, good spring & depth of rib, good length of neck. Skull of good shape, muzzle a little longer & a little more wrinkle on her skull than ideal. Good dark eye. Her topline rises on the move, she does move out well.
4th Grizzmuffley Aint No Rules - C & H Thomas & B & S Wehmeier
(Ch Grizzmuffley Get Wild/Grizzmuffley The Crime)
Intermediate Bitch
Another trio of lovely girls, with not much separating them.
1st Ch Grizzmuffley Valentina – R Crilly & B & S Wehmeier
(Ch Grizzmuffley Get Wild/Ch Bruin Grizzy Bear)
Excellent quality 2 yr old bitch. She is just a little long in body but good depth of body to length of leg, good spring of rib, good length of neck. Lovely shape to her skull & muzzle with tight clean flews, lovely dark eye. She moves out well, retaining her topline on the move. Tailset just a little low, reaching to her hock.
2nd Bullalryll Rohza – C Jenkins
(Bullalryll William Tell/Clanbonnie Porshe Dlite)
Excellent quality 2 year old red brindle bitch, good spring of rib, good topline & underline, short back, neck of good length, balanced angulation. Good shape to her skull and muzzle. Her ears tended to fold back, which didn’t finish the square total picture to her head. Displayed good reach & drive on the move.
3rd Tiararebel Opal Renaissance – D & R Armstrong
(Gr Ch Anmenta Blonde Ambition/Ch Tiararebel Opal Image)
Dark brindle bitch of excellent quality with good bone. Good body proportions with a good spring and depth of rib. Balanced angulation. Good shape to her skull and muzzle, dark eye. She moves out well with good reach & drive but not the strength in her topline of the other two today moving.
Australian Bred Bitch
1st Ch Saturnbrook Eight Below – S Hodgetts Res CC & Aust Bred in Show
(Gr Ch Kangala Ozzie Osborne/Treebrook Candle Bark)
Excellent quality 6yr old bitch fawn bitch of good size & plenty of substance & boning. Good topline & underline. Good balance of depth of body to length of leg. Good strong head & muzzle, with good strength of underjaw. Dark eye. She moves out well with drive behind & retains a good topline on the move.
2nd Gameguard Dora The Explorer – G Sparham
(Ch Saturnbrook Eachway Bet/Ch Gameguard Ziggles)
Excellent quality 2yr old bitch. Good size & substance with lovely body proportions, good shape to skull & muzzle though would prefer a little more rise to skull, eyes just a little light and a little weaker in underjaw which spoils the look to her head front on. Moves out really well, displayed a good reach in front & drive from behind.
3rd Bullalryll Cynthea – C Jenkins
(Bullalryll Ollisius/Bullalryll April Fool)
Balanced red bitch of very good quality. Good depth of rib and spring of rib. Balanced angulation front and rear. Just a little soft in topline. Good shape to skull and muzzle, stop a little moderate. Balanced moving with good reach & drive.
4th Ch Noteable Lady Zaira – D Christoffel
(Ch Saturnbrook Eachway Bet/Powerbulmas Tara Starr)
Open Bitch
1st Ch Valgerd Quest For Glory – K Sands CC & RUBIS
(Ch Copperfield Honeythunder (Imp UK)/Bullromi Bound For Glory)
Fawn bitch of 5 years of age and excellent quality. Lovely outline on this girl with balanced angulation front & rear that she uses very well on the move. Good topline & underline, good spring & depth of rib. Neck of good length. Good shape to her skull and muzzle, small ear, clean tight flews. Displayed excellent reach and drive on the move.
2nd Ch Tiararebel Opal Allure – D & R Armstrong
(Gr Ch Anmenta Blonde Ambition/Ch Tiararebel Opal Image)
Red bitch of 4yrs of age and excellent quality. Lovely clean bitch of good size & substance, with a good spring of rib & depth of rib, short back. Good length of neck, lovely shape to skull & muzzle, dark eye, broad underjaw, clean tight flews. Her topline slopes down to her steep croup which spoils her silhouette a little for me today. She moves out well with good reach & drive.
3rd Ch Bulavista Tennessee Lass – C Somerville & W Geatches
(Am Ch Banstock Bruno Of The Northeast/Ch Bulavista Millsweet Sari)
Excellent quality red bitch of 3 years of age. Well balanced bitch with good angulation front & rear, a little long in body with good spring of rib & depth, good topline & underline. A little in at elbow. Neck of good length. Skull and muzzle of correct shape with a large ear. Good reach and drive on the move.
4th Ch Anmenta Grand Indulgence – T & K Kelly
(Gr Ch Anmenta Blonde Ambition/Ch Anmenta Zulu Queen)